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Cmsbased Coupons
Promo codes for Cmsbased’s WHMCS templates, Wordpress themes and WHMCS addons!
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Divi Breeze WordPress theme

Buy the Divi Breeze WordPress hosting theme from Cmsbased

Hexa Theme

Purchase the very popular Hexa Wordpress theme for just $69.99!

Ecohost web hosting theme deal

Get this great deal on the Ecohost Wordpress theme, costing only $89.99!

Hexa responsive WHMCS template deal

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Get the modern Flattern WHMCS template for just $69.99!
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Cmsbased discounts
Cmsbased provide many high quality templates for web hosting providers including those built for WHMCS and Wordpress.

Use our Cmsbased coupons to save on your next order of your web hosting reseller theme.