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We are the official coupon provider of Zomex and have partnered with them to provide you the best deals.

Zomex Coupons
Zomex is a leading web hosting, domain registration and template provider. Here is a collection of Zomex coupons to save money on your next purchase.
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$20 off WHMCS | WordPress | Blesta web hosting templates!

Save $20 on premium WHMCS templates, WordPress themes, Blesta templates & ClientExec templates designed for web hosting resellers @ Zomex the leading web hosting template provider.


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Save 5% off everything at Zomex. Including templates, web hosting & services!
* Exclusing domain registration


Save on Zomex web hosting*

Save 50% off your first month when ordering any shared or reseller web hosting plan from Zomex.
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Save $20 off your template*

Save $20 off your WHMCS template, HTML5 template or Wordpress theme using this coupon
* Existing customer's only, must have purchased a template before.

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About Zomex

Zomex discounts
Zomex is a leading web hosting, domain registration and template provider. They have WHMCS templates, Wordpress themes & HTML templates. Save with these Zomex coupons. They’ve been in business since 2009 and have a good reputation for providing quality products and a reliable customer support service.